Watling Street London EC4

Location: Watling Street London EC4

Date: 31st July 2020 

Time: 10:00 PM

Reason For Investigation:

In the heart of the city of london you will find Watling Street, a small narrow road that leads to St Pauls Cathedral, while walking down this old road with towering 17th to 19th century buildings you can get a feel of the history you are surrounded by.  The street itself was though to be a travelling route for Roman soliders travelling to Canterbury.  With this History in place we thought this would be a good reason to start our very first investigation and due to its location being close to where we live.


We entered Watling Street at around 9:45pm where we found the streets to be very quiet, it was a hot dry Friday night with only the Pavilion End Pub open which contained only a handful of customers.  The sound of nearby traffic to the bottom of Watling Street was the only sound until the Bells of St Pauls rang out.  While waiting in the well lit small narrow street we had camera in hand ready to capture any evidence we could find.


After spending considerable time in the top end of Watling Street at the St Pauls Cathedral end we were unable to experience any evidence of paranormal activity.  Various photos were taken on many side streets and on the main street but all we witnessed was some late travellers heading home and the occasional car or food delivery cyclist.

Coming close to the end of our investigation we decided to call it a night when disappointingly my dad decided to take one more photo before heading home, when taking the photo he noticed a small light shining from the pavement outside the Kurumaya Takeaway restaurant.

First Photo

In the first photo you can see the small light on the edge of the right hand pavement.

Second Photo

Same position the second photo taken directly after the first the small light is no longer present.

First Photo Zoomed

We took more photos but each photo taken showed the same results as the second photo with the light spot missing, on closer inspection of the area we could find no debris, objects or any reason for the light. We can not say that the light was proof of paranormal activity but at this stage we can not rule it out either. Further investigations will take place.

We would love to hear from you regarding our investigation, if you could give us some feedback, comments or even if you want to let us know how much you have enjoyed this investigation we would be grateful to hear from you.

Thank you for your time



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